Tuesday, April 26, 2011


最近一直在想要不要backpack呢~ 还是给自己设定一个目标~ 距离想在工作6年,到了30岁的时候就开始backpack到各个国家去~钱用完了 才在找个地方工作 继续存钱为环游世界的目标而活~
我还真的不想像爸爸妈妈一样 到了一把年纪了 除了新加坡以外 ~其他的什么国家都没有去过哦~ 我想看阿拉斯加的极光~ 超想去看得叻~
我想到南美洲的世界第一大瀑布~ 太多太多地方了~大概是走不完的吧~ 天啊~光是想到的这些地方就需要多少旅费了啊~
哈哈~ 不过真的是太想太想了~ 阳光沙滩海洋 大自然 ~ 旅游想去的地方还是大自然的居多~


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


很久没有那么地不开心过了~ 我想应该是我的生活遇上了瓶颈~ 也因此闷了很久~也或许是因为工作了 生活却显得格外单调~
自从离开了学校到现在,我竟然才发现 原来我周遭连一个可以能够静下心来了解我处境,听我倾诉并给我指引,甚至一点点意见的人都没有,不是很忙不然就是在很远~
所有的事情 所有的问题 所有的不开心 我没有选择的余地 而只能独自的承受~
难道心平气和 客观点来听我诉说并给予中立意见的人都没有吗? 再者不是遇到性格刚烈,谈话风格就像火星撞地球这样的,不然就是左右摇摆飘浮不定,意见带有强烈自我意识的 ... 
我的天啊~ 难道真的要我卡在这个瓶颈吗?要多久?能不能先透入透入一个期限让我知道,这样我也好期待突破瓶颈那天的到来~

面对同事的百般刁难,事情无法得到圆满解决,每一个月都重复着同样同样的问题,问题又不是出自于你,但又要你去解决的时候,你办得到吗?当你办到了对方却再度不肯妥协 这时候你还能沉得住气吗?能够再来口深呼吸,接着说:“原来这是世界这么美好的”。

Saturday, April 9, 2011


In my YTL life, so far until now I had already working with two out of seven Project Coordinator in SPYTL.
One is Mr Abdul Aziz and another one is Mr Looi Eng Aik. Both of them are good boss to work and follow with and they did concerned me all the time.
Mr Looi Eng Aik is really a very good boss to follow with, although I was just worked with him for months but I did appreciated what he was teaching me and guiding to me in the past few months.
Don't know somehow I can feel and sense that he treats me quite good. I feel very grateful to him.
Last night, he is trying to tell me he thought that I was taking lunch with one of my colleague, only that he agreed and buying the lunch for all of us. But who know, I wasn't there.
Today, before he is leaving to KL for our Capers project in Sentul, he told me that anything can just call him and he will definitely gives support to me.
This is a lot of means to me.
Once again, thank you boss.

Monday, April 4, 2011


今天又是星期一了~回到公司上班~ 又要开始倒数和期待着星期六的到来~哈哈~
不过这个新的计划 我想没有意外的话 是可以改善我目前的经济状况 :)
还有我的ICSA ~ 好想没有什么心要去考这样叻~
不过肯定不行!!我不允许自己放弃~ 不管怎样~ 当我整顿好自己后 我一定要考完它~ 然后当个专业人士~ 哈哈